Films and Soundtracks
GBM Soundtracks

GBM Soundtracks

GBM have released the 'GBM Soundtracks' Album that brings together seven tracks taken from the soundtracks of Short films including,' Can it be? Unconditional ', 'Blue Gene Baby' and others. The music ranges from Electronica, spoken word, ambient, and techno-hybrid genres,

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Blue Gene Baby

In 1997 John Johnson collaborated with artist and filmaker Christine Robertson who was completing her film Blue Gene Baby.

John composed and produced the soundtrack. 'Weightless', an ambient musical composition, the perfect audio translation for the images produced.

Blue Gene Baby is a short digital film (single large scale projection), about human genetic identity, questioning the ability of DNA profiling to reduce human complexities to numbers, codes and patterns.
For more information visit www.bluegene.org.uk

Screenings include:

Edinburgh Festival, Scotland.
Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Germany.
Offline TV, USA
British Film Institute/Realnetworks Filmakers Showcase (Internet)
Various Art Gallery locations,
Group show "Otherness" Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa, UK, July 2000.
Camden Open exhibition, London, June-July 2000. Camden Odeon Screening.


GBM Media Label

GBM Soundtracks Album

GBM History









John Johnson and G.B.M. will be working on and releasing new music and film developments, as well as developing other productions outside of the mainstream or otherwise, in the near future.



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